This is Where We Say Goodbye

This is Where We Say Goodbye

There’s conventional wisdom that there are just things you never say at an exit interview. An understanding that for many reasons, primarily focused on preservation of relationships and references, it is difficult to leave behind meaningful feedback about why the decision to leave was made. There are few that have not experienced the exit interview and probably fewer who would argue that it is almost impossible to provide benevolent feedback to enable reflection within a saavy organization and provide improvement suggestions for the employment experience.

Creating Effective Workforce Management Teams

Creating Effective Workforce Management Teams

Within the Contingent Workforce Management (CWM) industry, the demand and processes used for obtaining top talent within the contingent population is a topic often discussed. However, there has been little conversation around how organizations are securing the top talent to manage their contingent populations and the candidate competencies, skills, and aptitude most likely to lead to success in program roles.